HPNV Chapter 2

cnyjgVsLChapter 2: Pansy Parkinson

The next morning, as usual Draco continued to study in his own study room.

But he was suddenly interrupted by the loud knocks from his door. The three quick knocks on his door were followed by the sound of his old butler. “Young Master, the people of the Parkinson family have arrived. Master has asked you to come.”

“Okay, I am coming,” Draco answered.

Draco slowly closed his book and left his room. He walked down to their living room and quickly spotted two figures: one tall and one short. They were probably the guests from Parkinson Family.

“Hector, it’s been a long time since we have met, yet you still look the same” greeted Lucius with a rare smile, but no one knew how sincere that smile was.

“Haha, Yes, long time no see, Lucius.”, greeted back Hector with a similar smile.

“Little Draco, come here.” Lucius waved to Draco. “This is your uncle Hector, one of my best friends during school, and also now.”

“Uncle Hector, a pleasure to meet you.” Malfoy greeted quietly and once again stood back in silence.

“I heard that you are a squib?” A crisp voice suddenly interrupted. The owner of the voice didn’t need to be guessed, it’s naturally his match Pansy Parkinson.

“The character is really the same.” Malfoy thought silently, and could not help but look at Pansy. She had chestnut hair, with messy bangs covering most of her forehead. She was dressed in a beautiful black gothic pleated skirt. This joined with her proud arrogant temperament, would make most people think ‘Princess’. On the other hand, she was from Parkinson Family, and was also the family’s pearl, so calling her princess won’t be too far fetched. But the harsh words from her mouth broke this noble atmosphere.

“Pansy! Where are your manners?” Hector frowned and immediately reprimanded Pansy. “You will apologize to your Uncle Lucius and Master Malfoy.”

“Hmmph.” She sneered and said no more.

“Leave it Hector. You don’t need to be angry. She’s still a child. “ Consoled Lucius. “Draco, show the manor to Miss Parkinson. I have something to discuss with your Uncle Hector.” He said further.

“Okay, Father.”, said Draco without any visible emotions.
“Pansy, follow Master Malfoy. And remember to apologize!”
“I don’t want to be with a squib” Pansy mumbled to herself.
“Pansy!” glared Hector with an even heavier tone.
“Beautiful Lady, please.” requested Malfoy politely as he curtsied. “I believe our Father’s have something to discuss with each other. It won’t be polite to bother them.”
“Such a gentlemen. His etiquettes are impeccable. “ Hector couldn’t help but sigh. “Lucius, your teachings are really amazing. Our Pansy is of same age and look at her. She was spoiled from a young age. No wonder she’s so lawless.”

Lucius chuckled. “Children are children. If they don’t act like this how will they be children. And it will be good for both of them to be together for a while. They might learn something from each other.”

“And Draco, I believe you both will get along very will. I hope you will properly entertain Miss Pansy, while we have a talk upstairs. It’s been a long time since we met.” Saying this both Lucius and Hector disappeared upstairs.

Both Draco and Pansy stood in awkward silence. Finally Draco suggested, “ I guess you don’t like me. But I think the manor will be more interesting than standing here with me. Maybe you will find something interesting.” As an adult he didn’t care about a child’s fit, so he naturally spoke first.
Pansy also nodded with a slight hesitation as if she was doing something against her will. And slowly said with an haughty tone which suggested as if she was doing a favour, “Well, I will be merciful and will allow you to be my guide.” But beneath her helpless and arrogant facade was a slight expectation. Malfoys were one of the sacred twenty eight. There must be some interesting things around.

“It’s a great honour.” Malfoy replied. ‘This little girl is really difficult.’ In the past life he was single, and now he couldn’t help but have feel funny at her behaviour.

The two slowly walked on the corridors. The expensive lamps lining the aisles radiated a gentle light lighting up the patterns on walls formed due to passing of time. The walls were lined with numerous wall paintings. Some rare paintings that were long since considered lost or portraits of the ancestors of The Malfoy’s.

Since the interiors of the Malfoy Manor were very complicated, it’s easy for people who are not familiar to get lost among all the crossroads and branches. So Malfpy once again reminded Pansy, “Remember to follow me. Don’t get lost.”

“You have already said this three times. Just shut up. I am not like you, a Squib!” she snapped impatiently. “ And didn’t you say you are taking me to see interesting things! Where? Don’t tell me they are these broken paintings.” Walking in the corridors had apparently made her loose all her patience.

‘The creators of these masterpieces and my ancestors would definitely cry if they hear you now.’ He couldn’t help but think. ‘And am I to marry this girl?’ He wondered.

“Well! This room seems to be very special.” Exclaimed a voice behind him.
Malfoy immediately looked back. He saw Pansy, standing in front of a stone door the door was covered with strange symbols and released a depressing aura.

“There’s something wrong with this door.” And immediately a passage from a book introducing Dark Arts, flashed in his mind. Many symbols on the door were similar to those of the ancient magic spells, show on it.

“Pansy! Don’t go in!”, Draco hurriedly shouted at Pansy. But it was too late. Pansy’s impatience and curiosity overcame her hesitation and she pushed the door and walked in. The scene was extremely strange. The seemingly heavy stone door was opened by a eight year old girl with just a slight push. But something even more strange happened. The door automatically started to close itself. And Pansy, who was busy looking around inside, didn’t notice the door behind her closing.
“Oh!” Draco shook his head and rushed in before the door closed.
With a bang, the heavy stone door shut itself tightly. The room which was brought due to the light coming from outside also disappeared, leaving both of them in utter darkness. Pansy who was carefully observing the room couldn’t help but look back startled.
“Fortunately, it’s not a forbidden room.” Sighed Draco in relief. He had immediately looked around after rushing in. Looking at the broken wands and other materials, he had immediately figured out what this room was.

“What the hell? This kind of security measure which just two kids can break in? Who would study black magic at this place? Is father not afraid of the Ministry of Magic’s sudden raid?” Thought Draco. With all the items lying around and his own knowledge from all the books he had read, he quickly concluded that this was his father’s lab. To be precise, the lab where he studied black magic.

But now was not the time to worry about this. ‘How to go out?’, was the question.
“Wait, wouldn’t that young girl be scared?” he wondered. He was once again having a headache. If it was only him he wouldn’t have to worry so much. Although he hadn’t started studying spell works, he could do a basic Lumos charm. With all the books here, passing the time wouldn’t be a problem. But now it was different. He had a ‘headache’ to take care of.

Pansy seemed to have realised her problem. She couldn’t see in the dark. But if there was light, Draco could have seen her trembling body betray the fact that she was afraid.
Taking a deep breath she started asking aloud, “Is this how your family is? There isn’t even a light here. Aren’t Malfoy’s supposedly famous for their wealth? Can’t you even afford a lamp? Leaving such a dark place… “

Although she was afraid, the attributes of her poisonous tongue remained unchanged. Hearing this, Draco didn’t answer back. Because she decided to give this little loli a lesson to remember.

Meanwhile Pansy kept on prattling,  “Can’t you speak? Are you so scared… ”




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Note : The name Harry Potter and all its characters belong to JK Rowling and Warner Bros.



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5 thoughts on “HPNV Chapter 2

  1. requested Malfoy politely as he curtsied -> bowed (because curtsying generally denotes having a dress, hence normally being equated with a female, not a male)

    Because she decided to give this little loli a lesson to remember. -> Because he… (in this case, the “she” was referring to Malfoy, but Malfoy is a he)

    Thanks for the chapters, and keep up the good work.


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